Directors & Officers Insurance

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Directors & Officers Insurance

n today’s complex business landscape, directors and officers face unique challenges and responsibilities. Our comprehensive D&O insurance is designed to provide essential coverage for your organization’s leaders, ensuring they can make informed decisions without undue personal risk.

  • Customized Coverage Options
  • Directors and Officers Liability Coverage
  • Entity Coverage
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Side A, B, and C Coverage
  • Easy Claims Process
  • Fiduciary Liability Coverage
  • Leadership Resources

Ready to provide your leadership team with the protection they deserve? Request a quote today or reach out to our dedicated team to discuss your D&O insurance needs. Whether you’re a publicly traded company, a nonprofit organization, or a private business, Oneness Insurance is here to ensure your leadership thrives with confidence and resilience. Your directors, officers, and your organization’s future are our priority.

D&O insurance is a type of coverage designed to protect directors, officers, and the organization itself from legal expenses and financial losses resulting from claims of wrongful acts, mismanagement, negligence, and breaches of duty.
Fiduciary liability coverage offers protection for claims alleging breaches of fiduciary duties, such as mismanagement of employee benefit plans.
Side A coverage provides protection for individual directors and officers when the company cannot indemnify them.
Side B coverage reimburses the organization for expenses it incurs when indemnifying directors and officers.
Side C coverage addresses claims involving securities-related matters.
Entity coverage extends protection to the organization itself, covering legal expenses and losses resulting from claims against the company due to actions of its directors and officers.